February 4, 2022
Rinpoche is deeply saddened by the shocking and tragic situation unfolding in Ukraine.
Rinpoche feels strongly that all of us human beings living in this world should live in harmony, as one family. Of course it is inevitable that at times we will have different ideas and competing priorities, however the best way to resolve disagreements is through peaceful dialogue, not by violence. Violence only makes matters worse and has far reaching consequences. It hurts and harms the sentiments of the people for many, many generations, leading to deep resentment and trauma.
As of now, our human family, our brothers, sisters, parents, children and friends in Ukraine are facing extremely difficult circumstances. Rinpoche offers his heartfelt sympathy to the people of Ukraine and prays that peace will be restored in Europe and in the world.
Please join Rinpoche in praying strongly for an immediate and complete end to this conflict.