Events Archive 2022 – Ling Rinpoche

2022 Archive



Jan 25

Opening Ceremony & Ribbon Cutting for Loseling Guest House

Location Drepung Loseling House

Sri Lanka


Jan 26

Welcome Reception

Location Colombo International Airport VIP Lounge
Reception Led by the Most Venerable Waskaduwe Mahindawansa Mahanayake Thero, Mahanayake of Sri Sambuddha Sasanodaya Sangha Sabha of Amarapura Maha Nikaya (Deputy President of Sri Amarapura Maha Sangha Council), Venerable Kosgoda Gnaninda Nayake Thero and Dr. Daminda Porage, Deputy Secretary General of the International Buddhist Confederation
Jan 27

Meeting with Supreme Patriarch of Amarapura Maha Nikaya Order, The Most Venerable Dodampahala Chandrasiri Mahanayake Thero

Special Reception by Most Senior Maha Sangha and Venerable Mahanayake Thero of Amarapura Maha Nikaya

Location Headquarters of Amarapura Order


Jan 28

Meeting with Head of Ramanna Order, The Most Venerable Makulewe Wimala Mahanayake Thero

Location Vidyawasa Maha Pirivena


Jan 29

Visit to the Atamasthana, the 8 Major Pilgrimage Sites of Sri Lanka

Location Ancient Kingdom of Anuradhapura


Jan 30

Visit to Sacred Tooth Relic of Shakyamuni Buddha

Location Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic (Sri Dalada Maligawa)
Jan 31

Meeting with the Head of Asgiriya of Siam Order, The Most Venerable Warakagoda Sri Gnanarathana Mahanayaka Thero

Location Asgiriya Maha Pirivena Monastery
Jan 31

Meeting with The Most Venerable Dimbulkumbure Sri Saranankara Wimaladamma Anunayaka Thero from Malwatta of Siam Order

Location Malwatta Maha Viharaya
Jan 31

Talk to Monks and Pali Chanting for H.H. the Dalai Lama’s Long Life and Welfare of Sri Lankan people

Location Asgiriya Maha Pirivena Monastery


Feb 3

Visit and Dana Lunch for H.E. Ling Rinpoche by Monks from Neighboring Temples

Location Kande Vihara
Hosted by Venerable Walathara Subhuthi Nayake Thero


Feb 3

Grand Welcome and Special Opening of Relics for H.E. Ling Rinpoche

(many relics of Shakyamuni Buddha brought from Kapilavastu, India)

Location Rajaguru Sri Subuthi Temple
Hosted by Most Venerable Waskaduwe Mahindawansa Mahanayake Thero, Mahanayake of Sri Sambuddha Sasanodaya Sangha Sabha of Amarapura Maha Nikaya (Deputy President of Sri Amarapura Maha Sangha Council)
Feb 3

Welcome for H.E. Ling Rinpoche by The Most Venerable Waskaduwe Mahindawansa Mahanayake Thero and members of Kalutara Temple Trust

Location Kalutara Temple



Apr 6

Inaugural Function of 25th Shoton (Yogurt) Festival

Location Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA)

South Korea (REMOTE)


Apr 15

Bodhisattva Vows Ceremony (2:00pm)

Location Jungto Village Ganwulsa, Uljoo Koon, Sang Book Myun, Soya Jung Gil 216-39
Hosted by Jungto Village Ganwulsa Temple



May 16

Vesak Day Celebration

Hosted by Ministry of Cultural Government of India and the International Buddhist Confederation

Mcleod Ganj

May 27

Opening Ceremony of 223-Volumed Monlam Grand Tibetan Dictionary

Location His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's Temple


Jun 2

Dharma Talk with Q&A Session to Vietnamese Students

Location Ling Labrang
Jun 25

Talk with Q&A Session to Gurukula Program Students

Location Ling Labrang
Hosted by Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Jun 27

Avalokiteshvara Initiation & Dharma Talk to South Korean Students

Location Ling Labrang
Hosted by Labsum Shedrup Ling Center of South Korea


Jul 13

Talk at Dharmacakrapravartana Celebration

Hosted by Government of India's Ministry of Culture and International Buddhist Confederation


Jul 16

Eight Verses of Thought Transformation Teaching & Talk to South Korean Buddhists

Location Ling Labrang
Jul 20

Talk with Q&A Session to Summer Tibetan Studies Program’s Tibetan Students from North America and Europe

Location Ling Labrang
Hosted by Tibetan Children's Village


Jul 27

Formal Welcome Reception (3:00pm)

Location Tawang Monastery
Jul 29

Inauguration of Tengyur School and Thubten Shedrubling Buddhist Center (9:00am - 1:00pm)

Location Thubten Shedrubling Buddhist Center
Jul 30

Public Talk to Students: How to Find Happiness in Troubled Times (9:30am - 12:00pm)

Location Kalawangpo Hall
Hosted by Monpo Mimang Tsogpa and Tawang Monpa Employee's Society
Jul 31

Medicine Buddha Initiation (9:00am - 12:00pm)

Location Tawang Monastery
Hosted by Thubten Shedrubling Foundation
Aug 1

Teaching on Four Noble Truths (9:00am - 12:00pm)

Location Tawang Monastery
Hosted by Tawang Monastery
Aug 1

White Tara Long Life Initiation (9:00am - 12:00pm)

Location Tawang Monastery
Hosted by Thubten Shedrubling Foundation
Aug 2

Visit and Short Talk

Location Balika Vidhalaya Girls' School (in Lhou)
Hosted by Balika Vidhalaya Girls' School (in Lhou)
Aug 2

Talk and Oral Transmissions

Location Sengsang Nunnery (Jangchup Choeling) (in Lhou)
Hosted by Sengsang Nunnery (Jangchup Choeling) (in Lhou)
Aug 2

Visit, Short Talk and Oral Transmissions of the 3 Principal Aspects of the Path to Enlightenment and Praise to Manjushri

Location Sera Jey Jamyang Choekhorling Monastery
Hosted by Sera Jey Jamyang Choekhorling Monastery


Aug 24

Grand Traditional Welcome Ceremony (9:00 am)

Location Sera Lachi Monastery
Aug 25

Visit & Pay Respects at Sera Mey Monastery (5:00 pm)

Location Sera Mey Monastery
Aug 26

Grand Traditional Welcome Ceremony (7:00 am)

Three Principal Aspects of the Path to Enlightenment (2:00 pm)

Location Sera Jey Tehor Khangtsen
Aug 27

Preside Over Annual Karma Thinley Protector Puja (9:00 am)

Location Sera Lachi Monastery
Aug 27

Audience with Kyabjé Gaden Tri Rinpoche (10:00 am)

Location Residence of Kyabjé Gaden Tri Rinpoche
Aug 27

Audience with Kyabjé Jangtse Choeje Rinpoche (10:30 am)

Location Residence of Kyabjé Jangtse Choeje Rinpoche
Aug 27

Visit & Pay Respects at Sera Jey Monastery (11:00 am)

Location Sera Jey Monastery
Aug 27

Preside Over Annual Karma Thinley Protector Puja (3:00 pm)

Location Sera Jey Tehor Khangtsen
Aug 28

Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation (Tsewang), Followed by Long Life Offering for H.E. Ling Rinpoche (9:00 am)

Location Sera Lachi Monastery
Aug 29

Blessing Sangha’s New Living Quarters (9:00 am)

Location Sera Jey Tehor Khangtsen
Aug 29

Visit & Pay Respects at Tashi Lhunpo (10:30 am)

Location Tashi Lhunpo Monastery
Aug 29

Chief Guest Presiding Over Grand Debate & Discussion on Prajanapramita and Madhyamika (1:30pm - 4:30pm)

Location Sera Jey Tehor Khangtsen
Aug 29

Visit & Pay Respects at Jadrel Khangtsen (6:00pm)

Location Sera Jey Jadrel Khangtsen
Aug 30

Orange Manjushri Initiation (7:00am)

Long Life Offering for H.E. Ling Rinpoche (9:00am)

Presiding Over Grand Debate (6:00pm)

Location Sera Jey Tehor Khangtsen
Aug 31

Livestreamed Talk to Tibetan Students Around the World (8:30am)

Location Sera Jey International School - Tashi Choeling
Hosted by Sera Jey International School - Tashi Choeling
Aug 31

Special Transmission and Teaching on Dependent Origination for Rinpoches, Abbots, Ex-Abbots and Leaders of Khangtsen with Livestream to Sangha (11:00am)

Location Sera Jey Tehor Khangtsen
Sep 1

Talk for Tibetan Students of Mysore (9:00am)

Location Mahabodhi Society of Mysore
Hosted by Tibetan Students' Union of Mysore and Mahabodhi Society of Mysore



Sep 26

Center Blessing, Talk & Long Life Offering (6:00pm)

Location Nanyang Pho Leng Hui Kuan
Hosted by Maha Tare Buddhist Centre
Sep 27

Center Blessing & Talk (6:00pm)

Location Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling
Sep 28

Oral Transmission of Praises to 21 Taras, Preside Over Chittamani Tara Puja & Talk (7:00pm)

Location Amitabha Buddhist Centre (FPMT)
Sep 30

Yellow Dzambhala Initiation (7:00pm)

Location Nanyang Pho Leng Hui Kuan
Oct 1

Medicine Buddha Initiation (1:00pm)

Three Principal Aspects of the Path to Enlightenment (Lam Tso Nam Sum) (7:00pm)

Location Nanyang Pho Leng Hui Kuan
Oct 2

Buddha Amitayus Initiation (9:00am)

Location Nanyang Pho Leng Hui Kuan



Oct 7

Preside as Delegate of India with Head of Mongolian Buddhism, Khamba Nomun Khan Gabju Choijamts, at Signing of Four MOUs to Consolidate Cultural Bond Between India and Mongolia; Followed by Dinner Celebration

Location Ganden Tegchenling Monastery - The Centre of Mongolian Buddhists
Hosted by Embassy of India
Oct 8

Official Reception & Talk at Oldest & Sacred Temple of Gandan Monastery (9:30am)

Oct 8

Welcome Reception & Talk (10:00am)

Location Pethub Monastery of Mongolia
Hosted by Pethub Monastery of Mongolia
Oct 8

Blessing Land of Gandan Monastery’s New Meditation Center Project (4:00pm)

Oct 9

Preside Over Ministry of Culture, Government of India’s Historic Offering of 50 Sets of 108 Volumes of Mongolian Kanjur to Mongolia for Distribution to Mongolian Buddhist Monasteries, Libraries & Institutions (11:0am)

Location Ganden Tegchenling Monastery - The Centre of Mongolian Buddhists
Hosted by Embassy of India
Oct 9

White Tara Long Life (Tsewang) Initiation (1:30pm)

Location Battagaan Grand Assembly Hall
Oct 10

Oral Transmission & Commentary – Praise to Manjushri (9:30am)

Location Zanabazar Buddhist University
Hosted by Zanabazar Buddhist University
Oct 10

Palden Lhamo Initiation (1:30pm)

Location Gandan Tegchenling Monastery
Oct 10

Oral Transmissions of Praise to Chenrezig & Mani Mantra to FPMT Retreatants in 100 Million Mani Mantra Retreat (5:00pm)

Location Kalachakra Monastery, Gandan Tegchenling Monastery - The Centre of Mongolian Buddhists
Hosted by FPMT Mongolia
Oct 11

Visit Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP), an Entity in Relationship with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (9:30am)

Location Gandan Tegchenling Monastery - The Centre of Mongolian Buddhists
Oct 11

Consecrate Yiga Choeling Monastery Prayer Hall (10:00am)

Location Yiga Choeling Monastery Prayer Hall, Gandan Tegchenling Monastery - The Centre of Mongolian Buddhists
Hosted by Yiga Choeling Monastery
Oct 11

Oral Transmissions of Lama Tsongkhapa’s In Praise of Dependent Arising, Kunchog Tenpe Dronme’s Meaningful Praises and Sonam Dzambu – Penchen’s Lobsang Drakpa’s Supplications by 6th Kyabje Yongzin Ling Rinpoche; Followed by Short Long Life Offering (10:30am)

Location Gungaa Choeling Dratsang, Gandan Tegchenling Monastery - The Centre of Mongolian Buddhists
Hosted by Gungaa Choeling Dratsang
Oct 11

High Tea with Ambassador of India (4:00pm)

Location Embassy of India
Hosted by Ambassador of India to Mongolia, Mohinder Pratap Singh
Oct 12

Oral Transmissions of Samantrabhadra’s Aspirations (King of Prayers) & Praises to 21 Taras (5:00pm)

Location Kunchav Jampaling Center
Hosted by Kunchav Jampaling Center



Oct 21

White Tara Long Life Initiation & Several Mantra Transmissions

Location Ling Labrang
Hosted by Vietnamese Buddhist Devotees
Oct 23

Preside as Chief Guest at Upper Tibetan Children’s Village’s (UTCV) 62nd Founding Anniversary & Celebration of Kasur Ama Jetsun Pema’s Service

Location Upper Tibetan Children's Village (UTCV)
Hosted by Upper Tibetan Children's Village (UTCV)
Oct 26

H.E. Ling Rinpoche Leads Long Life Prayer Offering Ceremony (Tenshug) for His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

Location Main Tibetan Temple, Thekchen Chöling
Hosted by Global Tibetan Children's Village (TCV) Family and North American Tibetan Associations (NATA)
Nov 24

Eight Verses of Thought Transformation Teaching to Vietnamese Students

Location Ling Labrang
Hosted by Himalayan Vietnamese Buddhist Foundation