July – August – Ling Rinpoche

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August 31, 2017


His Eminence Ling Rinpoche visited Mongolia for the first time in July and August. A press conference was held at the Corporate Hotel upon his arrival in Ulaanbaatar. Rinpoche’s visit commenced at Gaden Theckchen Monastery (Mongolia’s largest and principal monastery,) where Rinpoche gave teachings on the “Foundation of All Good Qualities,” visited His Eminence the 102nd Ganden Tripa Rizong Rinpoche, and paid respects to the embalmed holy body of the 9th Khaka Jetsun Rinpoche. At Pethup Monastery, Rinpoche was offered a mandala by Bakula Rinpoche, Khensur Jhado Rinpoche, the monastery’s Abbot and the assembly of monks. Rinpoche gave “Introduction to Buddhism” teachings and the Amitayus Long-Life initiation for the people of Mongolia, a public talk at Do Ngag Shedrup Ling Center (FPMT,) blessed Penchen Woetul Rinpoche’s Dharma Center, and was offered a traditional music and dance performance by the internationally recognized ‘National Song and Dance Academic Ensemble of Mongolia’. During Rinpoche’s visit in Ulaanbaatar, Rinpoche enjoyed a productive meeting and conversation with Mongolia’s President Battulga.

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche also visited Sukhbaatar province in Mongolia, where Rinpoche was offered a Long-Life ceremony at Erdene Manal Monastery and gave teachings on the “Three Principal Aspects of the Path”. Rinpoche visited nomad communities in the province, blessed an area that had not received rain for a long time, and performed an animal liberation by releasing horses and sheep. The people of the region later reported that a large lake (an important source of water for many people and animals) that had been drying up over several years of drought, received abundant rainfall following Rinpoche’s visit and the lake became full again.

July 17, 2017


On 17th June, His Eminence Ling Rinpoche gave a teaching on the “Eight Verses of Thought Transformation” at Tushita Meditation Centre (FPMT) in Dharamsala, India.

Teaching Video

June 30, 2017


Daniel Aitken of Wisdom Publications visited His Eminence Ling Rinpoche in Dharamsala to present him with a copy of The Life of My Teacher, a biography of His Holiness the 6th Kyabjé Yongzin Ling Rinpoche. It was written in the traditional style of a Tibetan spiritual biography by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and translated into English by Gavin Kilty for the Wisdom Publications edition (published this month). This is the only biography His Holiness the Dalai Lama has written himself. It tells the story of H.H. the Dalai Lama’s Principal Teacher, H.H. the 6th Kyabjé Yongzin Ling Rinpoche, whom His Holiness describes as “the greatest influence of my life”. More information from the publisher here.

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche consulted with the Nechung Oracle in trance and made offerings to the monks at Nechung Monastery in Dharamsala.