2017 News – Ling Rinpoche

2017 News

2017 News

December 31, 2017

November – December

In November, His Eminence Ling Rinpoche received a group of nuns and devotees from Bongyong Sa, Korea, and a group of students from Delhi, at his residence in Dharamsala, for … Read more

October 31, 2017

August – October

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche received several groups for audiences at his residence in Dharamsala during August and September, including groups from Vietnam, Korea and Malaysia. A group from Amitabha Buddhist … Read more

August 31, 2017

July – August

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche visited Mongolia for the first time in July and August. A press conference was held at the Corporate Hotel upon his arrival in Ulaanbaatar. Rinpoche’s visit … Read more

June 30, 2017


Daniel Aitken of Wisdom Publications visited His Eminence Ling Rinpoche in Dharamsala to present him with a copy of The Life of My Teacher, a biography of His Holiness the … Read more

March 31, 2017

Israel Visit

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche visited Israel for the first time in March 2017. Rinpoche gave a public talk in Tel Aviv on “How to Have a Peaceful Mind in a … Read more

March 14, 2017

International Buddhist Conference

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche joined His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist leaders at the 3-day International Buddhist Conference in Ragjir, Bihar, India. The Indian Government Ministry of Culture … Read more