Prayer for the Spreading of the Teachings Throughout the Length and Breadth of the West – Ling Rinpoche

Prayer for the Spreading of the Teachings Throughout the Length and Breadth of the West

Prayer for the Spreading of the Teachings Throughout the Length and Breadth of the West

By the force of the blessings of the Three Precious Gems and of the truth of our pure selfless wishes, may the Precious Buddhist teachings flourish and spread to the expanse of all areas throughout the length and breadth of the West.

For all the people living there, together with their near ones, who have engaged in the teachings and have faith and respect for them, may all conditions averse to their practice of the pure Dharma be dispelled and an excellent collection of favorable conditions increase like the waxing moon.

And especially for those who work on methods to accomplish the flourishing and spreading of the Victorious One’s teachings, which are the source of benefit and happiness, may they never be oppressed by masses of interference and adverse conditions and may this spontaneously happen just as we have hoped and wished.