Events Archive 2017 – Ling Rinpoche

2017 Archive


Neve Shalom

Mar 3-4

Non-Residential Course on “Be Wise, Be Selfish?!” (9am - 6pm)

Tel Aviv

Mar 5

Dharma Talk on Peaceful Mind in a Turbulent World (5:30 - 9pm)

Location Beit Yad LeBanim

Kibbutz Yehiam

Mar 9-12

Residential Course on Song of Experience

Mar 12

Manjushri Initiation

Green Tara Initiation


Gyuto Tantric Monastery

Apr 1

Enrollment at Gyuto Tantric Monastery

Ling Rinpoche enrolled at Gyuto Tantric Monastery in Dharamsala, India in April for a traditional year of study, after the completion of his Geshe degree.


Jun 17

Teaching on the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Location Tushita Meditation Center



Jul 19-Aug 4




Aug 31

Amitayus Long Life Initiation (3pm – 5:30pm)

Location Tushita Meditation Center
Sep 1-30

Teachings to Visitors to Ling Labrang

H.E. Ling Rinpoche received several groups for audiences at his residence in Dharamsala during August and September, including groups from Vietnam, Korea and Malaysia. A group from ABC (FPMT) in Singapore also visited and received the oral transmission for 'Praises to the 21 Taras' from Rinpoche.

In early September, Rinpoche was invited to give a talk to the Tibetan Women's Association, on the occasion of their 33rd anniversary of being re-established in exile.

Location Ling Labrang
Nov 1-30

Audiences and Dharma Talks

In November, H.E. Ling Rinpoche received a group of nuns and devotees from Bongyong Sa Korea, and a group of students from Delhi, at his residence in Dharamsala, for audiences and Dharma talks.

Location Ling Labrang


Dec 1-31

General Assembly Meeting of the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC)

In December, H.E. Ling Rinpoche participated in the General Assembly Meeting of the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) in Delhi.