Events Archive 2018 – Ling Rinpoche

2018 Archive



Jan 12-16

Foundation of All Good Qualities

Yellow Dzambhala Initiation

Hosted by Root Institute
Jan 18

30th Anniversary Celebration with H.E. Ling Rinpoche as Guest of Honor

Hosted by Root Institute



May 20

8 Verses of Thought Transformation

Hosted by Tara Cittamani Center


May 23

Public Talk: Buddhist Science of Happiness

Hosted by University of Western Australia


May 24-25

Je Rig Sum Chig Thus (Manjushri, Chenrezig & Vajrapani) Initiation

Foundation of All Good Qualities


Veneux Les Sablong

May 27

Je Rig Sum Chig Thus (Manjushri, Chenrezig & Vajrapani) Initiation

White Tara Initiation

Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Hosted by Ganden Ling Center


May 29

Saka Dawa Celebration with Tibetan Community

Oral Transmissions for Many Mantras

Jun 2-3

Foundation of All Good Qualities

Medicine Buddha Initiation


Himachal Pradesh

Jun 28

Dharma Talk

Hosted by Sambhota Tibetan School
Jun 29

Teachings and Buddha Amitayus Long Life initiation


Jul 2

Dharma Talk with Q&A to Stonyhurst College (UK) Students



Jul 6-7

Animal Liberation Ceremony on the Occasion of H.H. the Dalai Lama’s Birthday with Japanese Parliament and Office of Tibet Representatives

Jul 8

Four-Arm Avalokiteshvara Initiation

The Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Talk on Compassion in Modern Society

Location Gokokuji Temple
Jul 9

Introduction to Lam Rim

Hosted by Potala College



Jul 19

Dharma Talk with Q&A to Barton Peveril College and Pates Grammar School (UK)

Jul 30

Dharma Talk with Q&A to Dialectic School in Dharamsala Students from USA, UK & Europe

United States

San Francisco Bay Area

Aug 17-19

Teaching on Foundation of All Good Qualities (10-12pm & 2-4pm)

Manjushri and Vajrapani Initiations/Jenangs (2-5pm)

Hosted by Vajrapani
Aug 21

Loving Kindness on the Buddhist Path (7-9pm)

Aug 23

Genuine Happiness Talk (1-2pm)

Location Google
Aug 25

Public Talk: Finding Wellbeing & Happiness (2-4pm)

Location University of California, Berkeley
Hosted by FPMT Bay Area Centers
Aug 26

Tse Wang of Buddha Amatayus (10-12pm)

Aug 26

Transmission & Teaching on His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama’s Long Life Prayer (3-5pm)

Aug 28-29

Teaching on 7 Point Mind Training (7-9pm)

Hosted by Tse Chen Ling
Aug 29

Genuine Happiness Talk (2 - 3pm)

Location Apple
Aug 31-Sep 1

3 Principal Aspects of the Path (6-9pm)

Refuge Vows

Chenrezig Initiation/Jenang (3-6pm)

Sep 2

Tara Empowerment (10-12pm)

Hosted by Gyuto Foundation
Sep 2

Medicine Buddha Initiation/Jenang (5-7pm)

Oral Transmission of Medicine Buddha and Yamantaka Sadhanas (5-7pm)

Hosted by Ananda Center

Spokane - Washington

Sep 4

Blessing and Dharma Talk (10-12pm)

Sep 4-6

Song of the Four Mindfulnesses by His Holiness the 7th Dalai Lama

Hosted by Sravasti Abbey
Sep 6

Cultural Identity Talk (12-12:45pm)

Portland - Oregon

Sep 7
Sep 8

Kindness & Compassion (10:30-12pm)

Spirituality and Humanity: An Interfaith Conversation about Creating Harmonious Community and Healthy Leadership (2-4pm)

Hosted by Maitripa College
Sep 9

Dolkar Tsewang – White Tara Long Life Empowerment (10-12pm)

Sep 10

Lojong – 8 Verses of Mind Training (2-4pm)



Sep 14-17

Foundation of All Good Qualities

Location Puente Grande - Weekend Retreat
Sep 16

Manjushri Initiation/Jenang

Location Puente Grande
Sep 17

Public Talk: Ethics of Our Time (8pm)

Hosted by Centro Khamlungpa



Sep 23

Four Noble Truths

Hosted by Thubten Dhargye Ling
Sep 24

White Tara Initiation

Four Noble Truths

Hosted by Thubten Dhargye Ling
Sep 28

Public Talk: What Forms Good Fortune and Happiness

Location Hotel Metropolitan Sendai


Sep 30

Praise of Dependent Origination (Tendrel Toepa) Teaching

Middle Stages of Meditation (Gonrim Barpa) Teaching

Hosted by Gokokugi Temple


Oct 1

Teachings for High School Students

Location Seiwa Gakuen High School



Oct 15

White Tara Long Life Initiation (9:30-12:00)

Hosted by Tushita

Tawang AP

Oct 31

Chenrezig Initiation and Long Life Prayer (Tenshuk) to H.E. Ling Rinpoche (9am)

Location Tawang Monastery
Hosted by Tawang Monastery
People of Tawang
Tendon Culture Society Tawang Monastery
Nov 1

Manjushri Initation (9am)

Vajrapani Initiation (9am)

Location Tawang Monastery
Nov 2

Buddha Amatayus Tse Wang Empowerment (9am)

Location Tawang Monastery
Nov 5

Talk on “Peace of Mind, Love and Kindness” to the Government Employees & Students (1:30pm)

Location Kala Wangpo Hall
Nov 8

Three-in-One Deities (Drakpo Sumdrel) (9am)

Location Thupsund Dargyaling Monastery, Dirang
Nov 9

White Tara Tse Wang Empowerment (9am)

Location Tsona Gontse Rabgyal Ling Monasteries Bomdila
Nov 11

Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation (9am)

Location Gyutoe Monastery Tenzin Goan