Events Archive 2019 – Ling Rinpoche

2019 Archive



Feb 13

Talk on Cultivating Greater Well-Being by Reducing Self-Centeredness and Increasingly Cherishing Others

Hosted by Human Spirit Psychoanalytic-Buddhist Training Program
Feb 15

Weekend Course: The Foundation of All Good Qualities by Lama Atisha (9:30-16:30)

Hosted by Shantideva FPMT
Feb 16

Weekend Course: The Foundation of All Good Qualities by Lama Atisha (9:30-17:30)

Hosted by Shantideva FPMT
Feb 22

Weekend Course: LoJong: The Bodhisattva’s Garland of Jewels (9:30-16:30)

Guru Yoga Empowerment (Jenang) of Lama Tzong Khapa

Hosted by Shantideva FPMT
Feb 23

Weekend Course: LoJong: The Bodhisattva’s Garland of Jewels (9:30-17:30)

Guru Yoga Empowerment (Jenang) of Lama Tzong Khapa

Hosted by Shantideva FPMT



Apr 2

Medicine Buddha Jenang

Hosted by Jewel Heart


Apr 3

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Hosted by Maitreya Institute


Apr 4

Manjushri Jenang

Hosted by Kadam Chöling


Apr 6-7

Dharma Teachings on Je Tsongkhapa’s Songs of Spiritual Experience (Lam Rim Nyam Mgur)



Apr 12-14

4 Noble Truths

Red Yellow Manjushri Initiation

7 Point Mind Training

White Tara Long Life Initiation


Apr 18

Three Principal Aspects of the Path


Apr 18

Parting from the Four Attachments

United Kingdom


Apr 21

Public Talk for Tibetan Community

Location Westminster Catherdral Hall
Hosted by Office of Tibet
Apr 22

Public Talk: Buddhist Science of Happiness

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Apr 23

Public Talk: How is Buddhism Relevant in Today’s Society

Hosted by Rigpa
Apr 24

Parting from the Four Attachments

Hosted by Jamyang Center


Apr 27-28

Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara (The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life): Chapters 1-3

4-Armed Chenrezig Initiation

Public Talk: Developing a Peaceful Mind in the Turbulent World

Hosted by Jamyang Center



May 3-5

Mind Training Like the Rays of the Sun

White Tara Long Life Initiation


May 8-9

Teachings on Short Lam Rim

White Tara Long Life Initiation


May 11-12

7 Point Mind Training

Hosted by Rigpa Lerab Ling

Mont Salève

May 15

The 8 Verses of Thought Transformation

Black Dzambhala Initiation


May 18-19

Meditation Guidance on the Four Placements of Mindfulness

3 Long Life Deities


May 25

Teaching on Ethics, Refuge, and Lay Vows

Hosted by Rigpa
May 26

Long Life (Tsewang) Initiation for Tibetan Community

Location Pagode du bois de Vincennes, 40 Bis Route de Ceinture, du Lac Daumesnil
Hosted by L'institut de Services à la Culture Tibétaine



Jun 20-24

Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace

United States & Canada

For latest schedule details, please visit:

Minneapolis - Minnesota

Jun 29

Private Talk

For latest schedule details, please visit:

June 29, 2019 Private Talk Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hosted by Tibetan American Foundation of America
Jun 30

Amitayus Long Life Initiation

Oregon - Wisconsin

Jul 4-9

Foundation of All Good Qualities

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Jul 6

His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama’s Birthday Celebration with Prayer Service

Location Deer Park Buddhist Center

Ann Arbor - Michigan

Jul 12-14

3 Principal Aspects of the Path

Public Talk

Orange Manjushri Initiation

Hosted by Jewel Heart Center

Toronto - Canada

Jul 19

8 Verses of Thought Transformation

Jul 19

Dharma Talk

Jul 20

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Medicine Buddha Initiation

Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Toronto

Houston - Texas

July 25 – 29 teachings sponsored by Drepung Loseling Institute of Texas

July 31 – Aug 4 teachings sponsored by Himalayan Elders Project

Jul 25

Private Talk: Compassion & Mindfulness as Tool for Law Enforcement

Hosted by Houston Metropolitan Police Department
Jul 26

Private Talk: Compassion & Nurturing the Future Generation

Hosted by Texas Children's Hospital
Jul 26

How to Contribute to Healing the World

Hosted by Unity of Houston
Jul 27

Solitary Hero Yamantaka Sadhana Oral Transmission

Medicine Buddha Initiation

Jul 29

Private Talk: Diversity & Inclusion

Hosted by NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Jul 29

Introduction to Buddhism

Brooklyn - New York

Jul 31

8 Verses of Mind Training

Hosted by Shantideva Center

New York - NY

Aug 1

Integration of Dharma and Worldly Activities

Hosted by Tibet House

Queens - NY

Aug 2

Private Talk: Teachers’ Conference

Hosted by Office of Tibet

Jackson Heights - New York

Aug 2

Private Event: Teaching on Lama Tsongkhapa’s Gaden Lhagyama (Guru Yoga)

Special Dinner

New York - NY

Aug 3

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Location Hunter College General Assembly Hall

Woodside - NY

Aug 4

Norwich - Connecticut

Aug 5

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Hosted by Tibetan American Community of Connecticut

Burlington - Vermont

Aug 7

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Barnet - Vermont

Aug 9-10

The Importance of Private Retreat in the Development of Your Dharma Practice

How to Develop Bodhicitta and Emptiness

Hosted by Milarepa Center


Aug 11 – 12 teachings hosted by Jampel Nyingpo Ling and co-sponsored by Amherst College, Dept. of Religion; Smith College, Dept. of Religion; Smith College, Program of Buddhist Studies; Hampshire College, Tibetan Studies Certificate Program; Jampel Nyingpo Ling; Regional Tibetan Association of Massachusetts; Glimpse of Tibet.

Amherst - Massachusetts

Aug 11-12

White Tara, Mother of Compassion: Long Life Initiation

3 Principal Aspects of the Path: Wisdom, Ethics & Meditation

Location Amherst College - Chapin Hall
Aug 13

Public Talk for Tibetans

Hosted by Tibetan Association of Massachusetts

Medford - MA

Aug 16

Private Talk: Cooling the Fire – How to Manage Your Emotions in Stressful Situations

Hosted by Medford Police Department

Medford - Massachusetts

Aug 16-18

The Bodhisattva Jewel Garland by Atisha

Amitayus Long Life Initiation

Hosted by Kurukulla Center

Washington - D.C.

Aug 24-25

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Amitabha Initiation

Avalokitesvara Mantra Transmission

Public Talk

Interfaith Workshop: Healing & Spirituality


Leh & Ladakh

Sep 11

Welcome Ceremony

Hosted by Jokhang Temple
Sep 11

Welcome Ceremony

Hosted by Thiksey Monastery

Likir Village - Ladakh

Sep 12

Welcome Ceremony

3 Principal Aspects of Path Teaching

Hosted by Likir Monastery

Kargil Ladakh

Sep 13

Talk for Monks & Public

Hosted by Bodh Kharbu Phodang

Wakha-Mulbekh - Kargil Ladakh

Sep 13

Welcome Ceremony

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & Consecration of Newly Rebuilt Prayer Hall

Hosted by Tashi Lhakhang

Wakha - Kargil Ladakh

Sep 14

White Tara Long Life Initiation

8 Verses of Thought Transformation Teaching

Hosted by Tashi Lhakhang
Sep 15

Talk & Blessing the Prayer Hall

Hosted by Jangchup Choeling Nunnery
Sep 15

Opening Ceremony of Tashi Lhakhang

Hosted by Tashi Lhakhang

Kargil Ladakh

Sep 16

Talk for Youth of Wakha-Mulbekh

Hosted by Wakha-Mulbekh
Sep 16

Talk for Students

Hosted by Lamdon School, Wakha-Mulbek

Tingmosgang - Ladakh

Sep 17

White Tara Long Life Initiation


Sep 17

Visit and Blessing

Location Teh Village
Sep 17

Talk & Blessing the Prayer Hall

Location Saspol
Sep 17

Consecration of Newly Rebuilt Nimmu Temple’s Prayer Hall

Location Nimmu Village
Hosted by Nimmu Temple
Sep 18

Long Life Initiation of Buddha Amitayus

Introduction to Buddhism Teaching

Location Nimmu
Sep 19

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Location Pethup-Leh
Hosted by Pethup Monastery
Sep 19

Talk for Students

Location Leh
Hosted by Jamyang School
Sep 20

Dharma Advice & Talk for the Elderly

Location Choglamsar
Hosted by Elderly Home of Choglamsar Tibetan Settlement
Sep 20

Talk for Students & Public

Blessings for Children with Disabilities

Location Leh
Hosted by Tibetan Children's Village
Sep 21

Green Tara Initiation

Location Thiksey
Hosted by Thiksey Monastery
Sep 22

Talk as Chief Guest at Ladakh Union Territory Celebration

Location Thiksey
Hosted by Thiksey Monastery
Sep 23

Talk for Students

Location Stok

Himachal Pradesh

Oct 12

Introduction to Buddhism

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Location Bir



Oct 19

Inauguration Ceremony & Talk

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Hosted by Lama Gaun Tashi Rapten Monastery
Oct 20

Talk & Abbreviated Long Life Offering for H.E. Ling Rinpoche

Hosted by Manjushri Di-Chen Buddhist Learning Monastery & School


Oct 21

3 Principal Aspects of the Path

Talks on Mind Training & Compassion

Hosted by Kopan Monastery
Kopan Nunnery
Oct 21

Talk, Heart Sutra & Tara Oral Transmissions

Oct 21

Abbreviated Long Life Offering to H.E. Ling Rinpoche

Oct 21

Talk and Manjushri Oral Transmission

Oct 22

Dharma Talk

Hosted by Porong Monastery
Oct 23

8 Verses of Mind Training & 7 Point Mind Training Oral Transmissions

100 Deities Commentary

Advice on the Importance of Studying the Five Major Treaties

Hosted by Gelug International
Oct 23

Abbreviated Long Life Puja for H.E. Ling Rinpoche

Hosted by Thukje Choeling Nunnery


Oct 24

White Tara Long Life Initiation

Advice on How to Live in Unity

Location Yarlhung Community Hall
Hosted by Tehor Community



Oct 27

Introduction to Buddhism Talk

Organized by Tibetan Youth Hostel of Rohini & Tibetan Settlement Office of Delhi

Hosted by The Preservation of Tibetan Language
Religion for Tibetan College Students in Delhi

Arunachal Pradesh

Dec 1

Chief Guest at Foundation Laying Ceremony of Donyi Polo Khumko Temple & Indigenous Faith Day Celebration

Location Central Donyi Polo Yelam Kebang, Pasighat
Organized by Donyi Polo Cultural & Charitable Trust, Indigenous Faith & Cultural Society of Arunachal Pradesh (IFCSAP)