Events Archive 2024 – Ling Rinpoche

2024 Archive


Kathmandu - Nepal

Jan 10

Talk for FPMT Geshes (9am)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by FPMT Geshe Conference



Feb 18

Warm Reception at Kathmandu Airport (4:30pm)

Location Kathmandu Airport
Hosted by Representatives of Many Local Monasteries and Nunneries
Feb 18

Reception by All Representatives of Many Local Monasteries and Nunneries (6pm)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Kopan Monastery
Feb 19

Yamantaka Self Initiation at Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Holy Body (8:30am-1pm)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Kopan Monastery
Feb 21

Teaching on Jataka Tales (9:30-10am)

32nd Annual Gelug Monlam Prayers (10:30-11:30am, 1:30-4pm)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee
Feb 22


32nd Annual Gelug Monlam Prayers (10:30-11:30am)

32nd Annual Gelug Monlam Prayers and Audience for Public (1:30-4:30pm)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee
Feb 23

Teaching (9:30-10am)

Gelug Certificate Distribution and Monlam Prayer (10:30-12:30pm)

32nd Annual Gelug Monlam Prayers (1:30-4:30pm)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee
Feb 24

Teaching (9-10am)

32nd Annual Gelug Monlam Prayers and Audience for Public (10:30-12:30pm, 1:30-3:30pm)

Chogna Chodpa Ceremony Followed by Prayers and Audience for Public (3:30-6pm)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee
Feb 25

Jampa Denzhu and Prayers and Monalam Conclusion Ceremony (9-11:30am)

32nd Annual Gelug Monlam Prayers - Monlam and Conclusion Ceremony (4-6pm)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee
Feb 25

Prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche Pills (7-9pm)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Kopan Monastery
Feb 26

Rabnay for Sayi Ngingpo Statue (10:30am)

Ritual at Kopan Deity Room (11am)

Location Kopan Monastery
Hosted by Kopan Monastery
Feb 26

Talk at Khachoe Gakhil Ling Nunnery (11:30am-12:30pm)

Location Kopan Nunnery
Hosted by Kopan Nunnery
Feb 26

Visit and Meeting with Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche (1:40-2:15pm)

Hosted by Shechen Monastery
Feb 26

Arrival Ceremony (2pm)

Hosted by Samtenling Monastery, Boudha
Feb 27

Teaching on 37 Practices of All the Bodhisattvas by Gyalse Thogme Sangpo (1-2pm)

Buddha Stupa Circumambulation (8:30-9pm)

Hosted by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee
Feb 28

Nangten Jalka (9am)

Lunch with Abott and senior Monks (11:30am)

Hosted by Samtenling Monastery, Boudha
Feb 28

Teaching on 37 Practices of All the Bodhisattvas by Gyalse Thogme Sangpo (1-2:30pm)

Hosted by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee
Feb 28

Dinner Hosted by Nepal Tehor Community (6-8pm)

Location Hyatt Hotel Kathmandu
Hosted by Nepal Tehor Community
Feb 29

Amitayus Buddha Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) Followed by Public Blessing (9am)

Hosted by Nepal Gelug Monlam Committee


Mar 1

Visit to Drupto Monastery School, Pay Respects to Talking Tara and Other Holy Places (8:30-11am)

Location Pharping
Hosted by Drupto Monastery School
Mar 1

Visit and Lunch (11:30am-2pm)

Location Pharping
Hosted by Lama Goan Pharping


Mar 2

Loseling Land for Hotel Blessing (8:30am)

Location Tinchuli
Hosted by Loseling Monastery
Mar 2

Gang Lo Ma Commentary, Talk and Rabnay (9am)

Location Tinchuli
Hosted by Rongshar Chuwa Drphen Ling Monastery
Mar 2

Talk and Gang Lo Ma Commentary annual Certification Given By Rinpoche (10:30am-1pm)

Location Tinchuli
Hosted by Shekhar Chode Monastery
Mar 2

Talk (1-2pm)

Location Tinchuli
Hosted by Porang Monastery

Naya Pati

Mar 2

Talk and Many Transmissions (2:30pm)

Land Blessing for New School (4:30pm)

Location Naya Pati
Hosted by Hope and Challenge Orphanage and Elderly Home


Mar 3

Talk (9am)

Location Swoyambhu
Hosted by Thukje Choling Nunnery
Mar 3

Talk (10:30am)

Location Swoyambhu
Hosted by Namgyal Midle School
Mar 3

Talk and Lunch (11am)

Location Swoyambhu
Hosted by Namgyal Midle School


Mar 4

Teaching and Oral Transmisson of Many Mantras (10am)

Location Jawalakhel
Hosted by Samdup Ling Tibetan Settlement
Mar 4

Visit (1:30pm)

Location Jawalakhel
Hosted by Tashi Dhondup Home
Mar 4

Talk (4pm)

Location Hotel Tibet Kathmandu
Hosted by Himalayan Buddhist Community



Mar 19

Talk on the Essence of Buddhism and How to Train Children in Love & Compassion to Benefit the World with a Sense of Oneness, with Q&A (4-6pm)

Location Hyatt Regency Dharamsala Resort
Hosted by Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education, Attended by Martin Luther King III, Many Professors and Intellectuals from USA and Canada
Mar 24

Teaching on The Foundation of All Good Qualities (10am-12pm)

Hosted by Tushita Meditation Centre - FPMT
Apr 4

Support Ven. Dr. Waskakuwe Mahindawamsa Nayaka Thero’s Historic Gifting of Documented Holy Relic of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (Morning)

Hosted by Ven. Dr. Waskakuwe Mahindawamsa Nayaka Thero of the Raja Guru Shri Subuti Mahavihara Monastery

United States

New York City - New York

Apr 12

Teaching on Heart Sutra (7:30pm)

Bodhisattva Vows

Hosted by Shantideva Center - FPMT
Apr 13

Long Life Prayer Service and Ceremony for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s 90th Birthday (9-10am)

Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) (10:30am-1pm)

Hosted by Tibetan Community of NY & NJ
Simultaneous English translation available
Apr 14

Teaching & Transmission of Manjushri Practice: In Praise of the Intelligent One, Known as Gang Loma, with Q&A for Students and Youth (9am-10:30am)

Medicine Buddha Initiation (10:30am-1pm)

Hosted by Tibetan Community of NY & NJ
Simultaneous English translation available

South Orange - New Jersey

Apr 16

Teaching on The Foundation of All Good Qualities (7pm)

Oral Transmission of Lama Tsongkhapa's In Praise of Dependent Arising

Location The Baird Community Center - 5 Mead Street, South Orange, NJ
Hosted by The Tibet Center
The Tibet Center would like to notify that attendance for this teaching is full

Phoenicia - New York

Apr 17

Refuge Vow Ceremony (7:30pm)

Hosted by Menla Retreat Center
Apr 18

Teaching on Three Principal Aspects of the Path Copy (10am-12pm)

Medicine Buddha Empowerment (2:30-4:30pm)

Hosted by Menla Retreat Center


Apr 19

Blessing New Center & Oral Transmission of The Foundation of All Good Qualities (10am)

Hosted by Tashi Kyil Monastery

Amherst - Massachusetts

Apr 20

Vajrasattva Initiation (9am)

Oral Transmission of 35 Buddhas Confessions

Boston - Massachusetts

Apr 21

Vajrasattva Initiation (9:30am-12pm)

Hosted by Kurukulla Center - FPMT
Apr 22

Teaching on 8 Verses of Mind Training (6:30-8pm)

Hosted by Kurukulla Center - FPMT


Apr 23

Compassion in Action: Addressing Discrimination Through the Lens of Buddhist Teachings (5:30-7pm)

Boston - Massachusetts

Apr 24

Teaching on 8 Verses of Mind Training Copy (6:30-8pm)

Hosted by Kurukulla Center - FPMT

Redding - Connecticut

Apr 27

Teaching on 100 Deities of Tushita Heaven (Gaden Lhyagyama) (10am-12pm, 2-4pm)

Apr 28

1000-Armed Avalokiteshvara Initiation (ཐུགས་རྗེ་ཆེན་པོའི་རྗེས་གནང་།) (10am-12pm)

Washington - D.C.

May 1

Talk and Q&A About Tibet (4pm)

Attendance Government: Michael Schiffer, Assistant Administraor USAID; Alison Bartel, Special Advisor, Undersecretary Zeya, US Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues; Tina Mufford, Acting Deputy, US Commisson on Internatonal Religious Freedom; Kim Roy, US Commission on International Religious Freedom Staff; Tsering Dhongthog, Deputy Assistant, Office of US Trade Representative for China Affairs, White House
Congress: Todd Stein, Former ICT Staff, CECC, Senator Merkley; John Pinegar, Congressional Staffer for Senator Young; Piero Tozzi, Congressional Staffer, CECC for Congressman Smith; Adam Kozloski, Congressional Staffer for Senator Ernst
NGOs: Kelley Currie, Former ICT Staff, NED Board and Former Amassabdor at Large for Global Women's Issues at United Nations; Jo Kao, Senior Director, International Republican Institute; Pema Tulotsang, National Endowment for Democracy
Additional Friends: Elsie Walker, Cousin of President George W. Bush and Friend of Tibet Causes; Michele Bodhana, Former ICT Staff; Ellen Bork, ICT Board Member; Carol Currier, ICT Member; Michael Lustombo; RAND Coorporation

Fairfax - Virginia

May 5

White Tara Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) (10am-12pm)

Teaching on Jowo Atisha's Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland (10am-12pm, 2-4pm)

How to Practice White Tara

Raleigh - North Carolina

May 8

Teaching on The Foundation of All Good Qualities (10am-12pm)

Medicine Buddha Empowerment (2:30-4pm)

Hosted by Kadampa Center - FPMT

Oregon - Wisconsin

May 11

Teaching on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path (10am-12pm, 2-4pm)

Hosted by Deer Park Buddhist Center & Monastery
May 12

Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) (9:30am-12pm)

Teaching on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path (2-4pm)

Hosted by Deer Park Buddhist Center & Monastery

Evanston - Illinois

May 14

Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) (6pm)

Hosted by Tibetan Alliance of Chicago

Oregon - Wisconsin

May 15

Talk and Advice for Tibetan Community (5pm)

Location TBA

Minneapolis - Minnesota

May 18

Visit to Saturday School and Talk to Community (9:30am)

Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) (4pm)

Trehor Kyiduk MN
May 19

Talk for Community (Morning)

Trehor Kyiduk MN

San Francisco Bay Area - California


May 27

Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) (9am)

Hosted by Tibetan Association of Northern California (TANC)

San Francisco

May 27

Talk for the Community (4:30-5:30pm)

Hosted by Tse Chen Ling - FPMT


May 29

In Praise to Mañjuśrī: Glorious Wisdom’s Excellent Qualities (7-8:30pm)

Hosted by Lion's Roar Dharma Center

Boulder Creek

May 31

Consecration of Prayer Wheel and Talk on the Benefits of Holy Objects (10am-12pm)

Hosted by Vajrapani Institute for Wisdom Culture - FPMT

San Jose - California

Jun 1

Shakyamuni Buddha Initiation (3:30-5:30pm)

Refuge Vow Ceremony (3:30-5:30pm)

Long Life Cake Offering to H.E. Ling Rinpoche (3:30-5:30pm)

Jun 2

Vesak Day Celebration – Key Note Speech (10-10:30am)

Vesak Day Celebration - Teaching on How to Effectively Practice to Achieve the Best Benefits for This & Future Lives (12:15-1:45pm)

Vesak Day Celebration - Certificate of Appreciation Ceremony (1:45-2:30pm)


Jun 3

Mahabodhi Stupa Consecration and Blessing Holy Objects (4:30-5:30pm)

Talk for the Community (7-8pm)

Hosted by Land of Medicine Buddha - FPMT


Jun 4

Public Talk – Diversity & Inclusion with Compassion & Mindfulness (6-7:30pm)

Location Microsoft Corporation, Bldg 30 Multipurpose Room

Seattle - Washington

Jun 5

Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) (5-8pm)

Location Sakya Monastery
Hosted by Tibetan Association of Washington

Portland - Oregon

Jun 8

Panel Discussion: Interfaith Dialogue for World Peace, Inspired by the 14th Dalai Lama’s Commitment to Promote Religious Harmony (9:30am)

Hosted by Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association
Jun 8

Teaching on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path (6-8pm)

Location Maitripa College
Hosted by Maitripa College
Jun 9

Teaching on Introduction to Buddhism (10am)

Long Life Initiation TBA (Tsewang) (10am)

Hosted by Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association



Jul 6

Commentary and Oral Transmission of In Praise of Manjushri (Gang Lo Ma) (10am-12pm)

Oral Transmission of Chanting the Names of Manjushri (Mañjuśrīnāmasaṃgīti) (10am-12pm)

Teaching on 8 Verses of Thought Transformation (3-5pm)

Jul 7

Celebration of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s Birthday (10am-12pm)

Manjushri Initiation (3-5pm)

Jul 9

Tsog on Chokhor Duchen (7pm)


Jul 13

Avalokiteshvara Initiation (10am)

Hosted by Palden Shangpa La Boulaye - Dashang Kagyu Ling
Jul 14

Buddha Amitayus Initiation (Tsewang) (10am)

Hosted by Palden Shangpa La Boulaye - Dashang Kagyu Ling


Jul 19

Q&A for Ngondro Retreatants (4-6:30pm)

Hosted by Lerab Ling - Rigpa
Jul 20

4 Thoughts Turning Mind to Dharma (Lo Dok Nam Shyi) (10am-12pm, 2-4pm)

Talk to Community Around Montpellier and Nimes (5pm)

Teaching to Rigpa Children (6pm)

Hosted by Lerab Ling - Rigpa
Jul 20

Teaching to Rigpa Children (6:00pm)

Hosted by Lerab Ling - Rigpa
Jul 20

Talk to Community Around Montpellier and Nimes (5:00pm)

Hosted by Lerab Ling - Rigpa
Jul 21

Teaching on Benefits and Practice of Taking Refuge (10am-12pm)

Refuge and Lay Vows Ceremony (2-4pm)

Hosted by Lerab Ling - Rigpa


Jul 27

Teaching on The 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva by Gyalse Tokme Zangpo (10am-12pm, 3-5pm)

Hosted by Ganden Ling Veneux
Jul 28

Teaching on The 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva by Gyalse Tokme Zangpo (10am-12pm, 3-5pm)

Oral Transmission of The Wish Granting Jewel - The Condensed Essence of the Ritual According to the Sutra of the Bhagavan Master of Medicine, by Panchen Losang Chökyi Gyeltsen (3-5pm)

Hosted by Ganden Ling Veneux


Jul 31

Hayagriva, Vajrapani and Garuda (Ta Chag Khyung Sum) Initiation (9:30am)

Location L'institut de Services à la Culture Tibétaine, Pagode du bois de Vincennes, 40 Bis Route de Ceinture, du Lac Daumesnil



Aug 3

Observe 5th Debate on Four Noble Truths (10am-2:30pm)

Hosted by Shedroup Tengye Ling in Belgium
Aug 4

White Tara Long Life Initiation (Tsewang) (9:30am-12:30pm)

Hosted by Shedroup Tengye Ling in Belgium