May commenced with H.E. Ling Rinpoche visiting Nalanda Monastery near Toulouse, France, where he gave a talk to the International Mahayana Institute (IMI) monks and nuns about “Dharma Practice in Daily Life as a Monastic,” followed by a visit to Dorje Palmo Nuns’ Monastery. Rinpoche then commenced three days of teachings on “Mind Training Like the Rays of the Sun,” at Institut Vajra Yogini (FPMT) in Marzens, France, which was concluded with a White Tara Long Life Initiation. Rinpoche continued his tour of France with two days of Lam-Rim teachings at Tibetan Buddhist Institute Kadam Choeling in Bordeaux, which was also concluded with a White Tara Long Life initiation.
On 10th May, Rinpoche arrived to a warm welcome at Lerab Ling (Rigpa) in Roqueredonde, France, where he gave two days of teachings on the “7 Point Mind Training.” Rinpoche then traveled to Shedreb Choekhor Ling in Saleve, where he gave teachings on the “8 Verses of Thought Transformation” and bestowed the Black Dzambhala initiation. Rinpoche continued on to Tashi Detchen – Mogchok Rinpoche’s Center in Marseille – where he gave two days of teachings on the “Four Close Placements of Mindfulness,” and then to Gaden Ling in Veneux Les Sablons, where Rinpoche was warmly welcomed by Kyabjé Dagpo Rinpoche and students.
H.E. Ling Rinpoche’s very successful European tour concluded in Paris, where Rinpoche gave talks on “The Three Poisons” at Kalachakra Center (FPMT) and “Ethics, Lay Vows and Refuge” at Rigpa. Rinpoche bestowed the White Tara Long Life Initiation for the Tibetan community in Paris before departing for India.