2019 News – Ling Rinpoche

2019 News

2019 News

December 31, 2019


At the start of December, H.E. Ling Rinpoche was the Chief Guest at the “Bhumi Pujan” of Donyi Polo Khumko and Indigenous Faith Day celebration & foundation laying ceremony in … Read more

November 30, 2019


On 2nd November, H.E. Ling Rinpoche attended the “Conference on the Great Commentarial Text on Guhyasamaja Tantra” at Gyuto Monastery in Dharamsala, presided over by H.H. the Dalai Lama and … Read more

October 31, 2019


In early October H.E. Ling Rinpoche was in residence at his home in Dharamsala where he gave audiences to the Drepung Loseling Abbot and Administrators, and representatives of the International … Read more

September 30, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche returned to his residence in Dharamsala (India) at the beginning of September, where Rinpoche granted audiences to visiting groups from Mon Tawang, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. On … Read more

August 31, 2019


August commenced with H.E. Ling Rinpoche’s visit to Tibet House in New York, where Rinpoche spoke about “The Integration of Dharma and Worldly Activities.” Rinpoche was the Chief Guest at … Read more

July 31, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche’s 2019 USA tour commenced at the end June and continued through the month of July. In July, Rinpoche then visited Wisconsin and gave a week of teachings … Read more

June 30, 2019


In early June, H.E. Ling Rinpoche returned to his residence in Dharamsala, India. Rinpoche then visited Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia for the 11th General Assembly and 50th Anniversary of the Asian … Read more

May 31, 2019


May commenced with H.E. Ling Rinpoche visiting Nalanda Monastery near Toulouse, France, where he gave a talk to the International Mahayana Institute (IMI) monks and nuns about “Dharma Practice in … Read more

April 30, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche was given a very warm welcome to Holland by Maitreya Center (FPMT), Kadam Chöling, Rigpa and Jewel Heart, for the commencement of his two-month European tour. In … Read more

March 31, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche returned to his residence at Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang in Dharamsala in March. Rinpoche departed again at the end of the month, to embark on an extended teaching … Read more