‹ News 2019

October 31, 2019


In early October H.E. Ling Rinpoche was in residence at his home in Dharamsala where he gave audiences to the Drepung Loseling Abbot and Administrators, and representatives of the International Campaign for Tibet. Rinpoche visited the Tibetan Children’s Village in Suja, Bir, where he gave a White Tara Long Initiation and a talk about the importance of debate to sharpen the mind and correctly understand the Buddhist teachings.

On 18th October H.E. Ling Rinpoche was warmly welcomed to Nepal, where he presided over the opening ceremony at Lama Guan Tashi Rabten Monastery in Pharping. Rinpoche bestowed a White Tara Long Life Initiation in Pharping and met with the international students of ‘Awakening Vajra’. Rinpoche also visited Drubthob Rinpoche’s Manjushri Di-Chen Buddhist Learning Center Monastery and School in Pharping and paid respects at the Vajrayogini Temple and the self-emanating Tara.

On his return to Kathmandu, H.E. Ling Rinpoche visited Kopan Monastery where he gave teachings on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Three Principle Aspects of the Path” and a talk on “Compassion and How to Train the Mind.” Rinpoche paid respects at the Boudhanath Stupa and the Swayambunath Stupa, gave a talk and the Manjushri oral transmission at Shekar Choede, and visited and blessed Samten Ling Monastery and Porong Monastery. At Kopan Nunnery, Rinpoche gave the oral transmission for “The Heart Sutra” and the Tara mantra. On the occasion of the Winter Debate gathering, Rinpoche gave the oral transmission of the “8 Verses of Thought Transformation,” the “7 Point Mind Training,” and the “100 Deities Commentary,” organized by the Gelug International Foundation in Nepal. Rinpoche also visited and blessed Thukje Choeling Nunnery in Nepal, where he was offered a short Long-Life Puja.

H.E. Ling Rinpoche concluded his Nepal visit with a White Tara Long Life Initiation and general advice to the Tibetan people about how to preserve their unique culture and language, organized by the Tehor Community in Nepal.

On arrival back to India, H.E. Ling Rinpoche gave a talk to Tibetan and Himalayan Students of Delhi College, organized by TCV Youth Hostel and Tibetan Settlement Office in Delhi, before returning to his residence in Dharamsala.

‹ News 2019