PAGE NEWS News – Ling Rinpoche

News – Ling Rinpoche


September 2019

September 30, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche returned to his residence in Dharamsala (India) at the beginning of September, where Rinpoche granted audiences to visiting groups from Mon Tawang, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

On 11th September, H.E. Ling Rinpoche was very warmly welcomed to Ladakh with a special welcome ceremony at Jokhang Temple in Leh attended by the head representatives of the Ladakhi Buddhist Association, Ladakh Gompa Association, numerous Ladakhi monasteries and many dignitaries. Later that day, Rinpoche was presented with a very warm welcome ceremony at Thiksey Monastery, led by Khenpo Thiksey Rinpoche and monks. The following day, on 12th September, Rinpoche was very warmly received with a welcome ceremony at Likir Monastery by the Abbot, monks, Head of Likir Village and the general public. Rinpoche gave a teaching on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Three Principal Aspects of the Path”. The next day, Rinpoche visited Bodh Kharbu Phodang in Kargil Ladakh to speak with the monks and public.

On the afternoon of 13th September, H.E. Ling Rinpoche arrived at Tashi Lhakhang in Wakha-Mulbekh and was presented with a special welcome ceremony, followed by Rinpoche presiding over a ribbon cutting ceremony and consecration (rubney) of the newly built Tashi Lhakhang Prayer Hall. The following day, on 14th September, Rinpoche gave teachings on Langri Tangpa’s “Eight Verses of Thought Transformation” and bestowed the White Tara Long Life Initiation. On the afternoon of 15th September, Rinpoche presided over the special Opening Ceremony of the newly rebuilt Tashi Lhakhang and then gave a talk and enjoyed a culture show. The special occasion was attended by numerous government officials and dignitaries. On the morning of this day, Rinpoche visited Jangchup Choeling Nunnery in Wakha to bless the Prayer Hall and give a talk to the nuns and many dignitaries from Ladakh.

On 16th September, His Eminence Ling Rinpoche gave a heartfelt talk to the youth of Wakha–Mulbekh. Later Rinpoche visited and spoke to young students at the Lamdon School, Wakha-Mulbekh. At the day’s conclusion, Rinpoche departed for Tingmosgang and was later very warmly welcomed by its representatives and the public. At Timonstgang, on 17th September, Rinpoche bestowed the White Tara Long Life Initiation. Then Rinpoche visited Teh Village and blessed the main Manjushri statue. Later when visiting Saspol, Rinpoche was very warmly greeted and then blessed the Prayer Hall and gave a short talk. Rinpoche concluded the day with arrival at Nimmu Village where Rinpoche was again very warmly welcomed and consecrated the recently rebuilt Nimmu Prayer Hall. The following day at Nimmu Temple, on 18th September, Rinpoche bestowed the Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation and taught on the “Introduction to Buddhism”.

On 19th September, His Eminence Ling Rinpoche bestowed the White Tara Long Life Initiation during a visit to Pethup Monastery. In the afternoon, Rinpoche gave a talk to students at Jamyang School, Leh. The morning of 20th September had Rinpoche giving Dharma advice and a short talk at the Elderly Home at the Tibetan Settlement in Choglamsar. Rinpoche then gave a talk to students, teachers and staff at the Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) and later spent time at TCV’s home dedicated to children with disabilities and blessed them.

On 21st September, H.E. Ling Rinpoche returned to Thiksey Monastery to bestow the Green Tara Initiation and give a talk. The next day, on 22nd September, Rinpoche was honored as the Chief Guest of the Ladakh Union Territory Celebration held at Thiksey Monastery and also gave a talk. His Eminence Ling Rinpoche concluded the very successful Ladakh tour on 23rd September, with a talk to students, teachers and staff at Siddhartha School in Stok.

August 2019

August 31, 2019


August commenced with H.E. Ling Rinpoche’s visit to Tibet House in New York, where Rinpoche spoke about “The Integration of Dharma and Worldly Activities.” Rinpoche was the Chief Guest at the opening ceremony of the ‘First Education Summit of Tibetan Language and Culture Schools,’ and he gave the “Hundred Deity Commentary” at Drepung Loseling Institute. Rinpoche bestowed the White Tara Long Life Initiation in New York City, kindly hosted by the Himalayan Elders Project, and he joined the Tehor Community in New York for their annual picnic. The visit to New York concluded with a public talk organized by the Tibetan Association of New York and New Jersey.

Rinpoche’s next stop was Connecticut, where he bestowed the White Tara Long Life Initiation and gave Dharma talks organized by the Tibetan American Community of Connecticut and Dongag Kunphen Ling Dharma Center. Continuing on to Vermont, Rinpoche visited the Tibetan Association of Vermont before being warmly welcomed to Milarepa Center (FPMT) where he gave two days of teachings on “The Importance of Private Retreat in the Development of Your Dharma Practice,” and “How to Develop Bodhicitta and Emptiness.” In Massachusetts, Rinpoche gave two days of teachings at Amherst College on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Three Principal Aspects of the Path” and the White Tara Long Life Initiation, kindly organized by Jampel Nyingpo Ling. Rinpoche also gave a talk to the local Tibetan Community in Amherst, organized by the Tibetan Association of Massachusetts.

In Boston, Rinpoche met with Officers from Medford Police Department and gave a talk titled “Cooling the Fire: How to Manage Your Emotions in Stressful Situations,” before giving three days of teachings on Lama Atisha’s “Bodhisattva Jewel Garland” and the Amitayus Long Life Initiation at Kurukulla Center (FPMT). Rinpoche had a special meeting with the younger generation of Tibetans in Boston and spoke with them about “The Preservation of the Unique Tibetan Cultural Identity.”

In Washington D.C., Rinpoche was interviewed for RFA Lengmol Program and VOA Tibet (Kunleng). Rinpoche visited and blessed the Office of Tibet, International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) and the Drikung Dharma Center. Rinpoche visited the US State Department in Washington D.C. where he met with the Special Advisor for Religious Minorities. Rinpoche bestowed the White Tara and Amitayus Long Life Initiations at the request of the Capital Area Tibetan Association and he participated in an interfaith dialogue including representatives of the Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Theravada & Mahayana Buddhist traditions. Rinpoche visited the United States Institute of Peace where he spoke on “Nurturing Peace in a World of Disruption,” and participated in a panel discussion. The event was attended by a Representative of the US State Department for Religious Freedom and academic scholars. August concluded with H.E. Ling Rinpoche’s departure from Washington D.C. to India, following a very successful two-month tour of USA and Canada.

July 2019

July 31, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche’s 2019 USA tour commenced at the end June and continued through the month of July. In July, Rinpoche then visited Wisconsin and gave a week of teachings on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Foundation of All Good Qualities” and the White Tara Long Life Initiation, at Deer Park Buddhist Center in Oregon. Rinpoche was the Guest of Honor at the Midwest Tibetans’ three-day celebration of H.H. Dalai Lama’s Birthday, where everyone enjoyed Rinpoche’s presence at the opening ceremony of the sporting events.

Moving on to Michigan, Rinpoche gave two days of teachings on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Three Principle Aspects of the Path”, followed by a public talk and the Orange Manjushri Initiation at Jewel Heart Center. The visit included a sightseeing tour of the Ford Car Factory in Detroit.

In mid-July H.E. Ling Rinpoche traveled to Toronto in Canada, where he was warmly welcomed by the Presidents of the Tibetan Community, the Tibetan Youth Congress in Toronto and representatives of local Dharma Centers. Rinpoche spoke at the opening session of a two-day workshop for Tibetan youth about “Buddhism, Tibetan Culture and Secular Ethics,” organized by TCCC. Rinpoche gave teachings on the “Eight Verses of Thought Transformation” at Sera Jey Dharma Center and the “Three Principle Aspects of the Path” at Khunpen Ling Dharma Center, in Toronto. The Canada visit concluded with Rinpoche bestowing the White Tara Long Life Initiation and the Medicine Buddha Initiation, organized by TCCC, Ganjong Chodenling & Regional Tibetan Youth Congress.

On 23rd July H.E. Ling Rinpoche arrived in Texas USA, where he was warmly greeted by hosts from Drepung Loseling Institute Texas. Rinpoche was requested to give TV interviews by TV Khou 11 (Great Day Houston) and VIETV Network Houston. Rinpoche gave a talk on “Compassion & Mindfulness as a Tool for Law Enforcement” at the Houston Metropolitan Police Department, and at the Texas Children’s Hospital Rinpoche spoke about “Compassion & Nurturing the Future Generation,” blessing some critical care patients along the way. Rinpoche gave a public talk at Unity of Houston on “How to Contribute to Healing the World” and he gave Buddhist teachings, the Medicine Buddha Initiation and the oral transmission for the Yamantaka Sadhana at Drepung Loseling Institute of Texas. Rinpoche then gave “Introduction to Buddhism” teachings at Truc Lam Meditation Center. The Texas visit culminated with a VIP tour at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in Houston, where Rinpoche spoke about “Diversity & Inclusion.”

June 2019

June 30, 2019


In early June, H.E. Ling Rinpoche returned to his residence in Dharamsala, India. Rinpoche then visited Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia for the 11th General Assembly and 50th Anniversary of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace, titled “Rejuvenation and the Way Forward,” from 21st-23rd June. While in Ulaanbaatar, Rinpoche was invited to Kunga Choling Monastery, where he was welcomed by the monastery’s Abbot and monks.

At the end of the month, H.E. Ling Rinpoche embarked upon a tour of northern USA and Canada. The tour commenced in Minnesota, with the Tehor Community’s annual picnic. Rinpoche bestowed the Buddha Amitayus Long Life Initiation, organized by the Gyuto Wheel of Dharma Monastery, and His Eminence was the Guest of Honor at Gyuto Dharma Center’s 25th Anniversary celebration.

May 2019

May 31, 2019


May commenced with H.E. Ling Rinpoche visiting Nalanda Monastery near Toulouse, France, where he gave a talk to the International Mahayana Institute (IMI) monks and nuns about “Dharma Practice in Daily Life as a Monastic,” followed by a visit to Dorje Palmo Nuns’ Monastery. Rinpoche then commenced three days of teachings on “Mind Training Like the Rays of the Sun,” at Institut Vajra Yogini (FPMT) in Marzens, France, which was concluded with a White Tara Long Life Initiation. Rinpoche continued his tour of France with two days of Lam-Rim teachings at Tibetan Buddhist Institute Kadam Choeling in Bordeaux, which was also concluded with a White Tara Long Life initiation.

On 10th May, Rinpoche arrived to a warm welcome at Lerab Ling (Rigpa) in Roqueredonde, France, where he gave two days of teachings on the “7 Point Mind Training.” Rinpoche then traveled to Shedreb Choekhor Ling in Saleve, where he gave teachings on the “8 Verses of Thought Transformation” and bestowed the Black Dzambhala initiation. Rinpoche continued on to Tashi Detchen – Mogchok Rinpoche’s Center in Marseille – where he gave two days of teachings on the “Four Close Placements of Mindfulness,” and then to Gaden Ling in Veneux Les Sablons, where Rinpoche was warmly welcomed by Kyabjé Dagpo Rinpoche and students.

H.E. Ling Rinpoche’s very successful European tour concluded in Paris, where Rinpoche gave talks on “The Three Poisons” at Kalachakra Center (FPMT) and “Ethics, Lay Vows and Refuge” at Rigpa. Rinpoche bestowed the White Tara Long Life Initiation for the Tibetan community in Paris before departing for India.

April 2019

April 30, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche was given a very warm welcome to Holland by Maitreya Center (FPMT), Kadam Chöling, Rigpa and Jewel Heart, for the commencement of his two-month European tour. In the first days of April, Rinpoche visited and blessed the Tibetan Community of Netherlands Sunday School, Maitreya Center and Rigpa in Amsterdam. Rinpoche bestowed the Medicine Buddha Initiation at Jewel Heart, Nijmegen, the White Tara Initiation at Maitreya Instituut, Loenen, and the Manjushri Initiation at Kadam Chöling Buddhist Center in Haarlem. Rinpoche gave two days of teachings in Amsterdam, on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Songs of Spiritual Experience,” jointly hosted by Kadam Chöling Buddhist Center and Maitreya Instituut. Rinpoche enjoyed sightseeing at Kalverstraat, Cherry Blossom Garden, and Keukenhof Gardens in Amsterdam, before departing for Spain.

On 9th April, H.E. Ling Rinpoche arrived in Barcelona. Rinpoche visited and blessed Tara Center, Nagarjuna Center (FPMT) and Casa de Tibet, where he gave a talk to the local Tibetan community in Spain. Rinpoche gave three days of teachings at Casa de Tibet in Barcelona, including “The Four Noble Truths,” the “Seven Point Mind Training,” the Orange Manjushri Initiation and the White Tara Long Life Initiation. The event was jointly organized by Casa de Tibet, Nagarjuna Center (FPMT) and Tara Center. Rinpoche also visited and blessed the Rigpa Center in Barcelona, where he gave a talk about how to bring meditation practice into daily life. Rinpoche enjoyed a visit to Montserrat Monastery in Barcelona.

Rinpoche then traveled to Madrid, where he taught Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Three Principle Aspects of the Path” at Nagarjuna Center Madrid (FPMT). Rinpoche continued on to Valencia, where he concluded his Spanish visit with a teaching on Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen’s “Parting from the Four Attachments,” at Nagarjuna Center Valencia (FPMT).

On 20th April, H.E. Ling Rinpoche arrived at London’s Heathrow Airport, where he was given a warm welcome by the Representative of Office of Tibet, the President of the Tibetan Association and the FPMT UK. Rinpoche commenced his UK visit by blessing the Office of Tibet and giving a talk to the Tibetan community in London. The event included cultural performances and a visit to the Tibetan Peace Garden. Rinpoche bestowed the White Tara Long Life Initiation and gave a public talk on “The Buddhist Science of Happiness” in Kensington – jointly organized by Jamyang Buddhist Center (FPMT), the Office of Tibet and the Tibetan Community in Britain. Rinpoche visited Rigpa London, where he gave a Dharma talk about “How Buddhism is Relevant in Today’s Society.” Rinpoche also visited and blessed Jamyang Buddhist Center, where he gave teachings on Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen’s “Parting from the Four Attachments.” Rinpoche was kindly offered a tour of Parliament House by MPs in London, along with the Representative of the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the UK.

H.E. Ling Rinpoche next traveled to Leeds (UK). Rinpoche blessed the new Jamyang Buddhist Center, Leeds (FPMT), where he gave a public talk on “Developing a Peaceful Mind in a Turbulent World,” teachings on Shantideva’s “Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life,” and the initiation of 4-Arm Chenrezig. Rinpoche met with the local Tibetan Community from Leeds and Manchester and celebrated the birthday of the Panchen Lama with them, organized by TBC UK North Association. Before departing from Leeds, Rinpoche was kindly invited by the Earl of Harewood to visit his residence at Harewood House and bless the stupa on the historic estate.

On 30th April, Rinpoche arrived at Toulouse airport in France, where he was warmly greeted by representatives from Institute of Vajrayogini and Nalanda Monastery (FPMT).

March 2019

March 31, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche returned to his residence at Yongzin Lingtsang Labrang in Dharamsala in March. Rinpoche departed again at the end of the month, to embark on an extended teaching tour in Europe (Holland, Spain, UK and France).

February 2019

February 28, 2019


In February, H.E. Ling Rinpoche traveled to Israel, at the invitation of Shantideva Study Group (FPMT). Rinpoche visited the Human Spirit Psychoanalytic-Buddhist Training Program in Israel and gave a talk to students and staff about how to cultivate greater mental well-being, by reducing self-centeredness and by cherishing others. Rinpoche gave two days of Buddhist teachings based on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Foundation of All Good Qualities,” and a further two days of teachings on Lama Atisha’s “The Bodhisattva’s Garland of Jewels” in Tel Aviv, where Rinpoche also bestowed the Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga empowerment.

January 2019

January 31, 2019


H.E. Ling Rinpoche continued his stay in Bodhgaya through early January 2019 to attend teachings and initiations with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Rinpoche also joined His Eminence Gaden Tripa Rinpoche, His Eminence Sharpa Chojey Rinpoche and other Gelug Lamas and monks in a special puja for world peace at the Mahabodhi Temple grounds.

December 2018

December 24, 2018


H.E. Ling Rinpoche traveled to Bodhgaya (Bihar, India) in December, for teachings with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. On 24th December, Rinpoche had an audience with His Holiness. Rinpoche gave public audiences to many visiting students from all over the world, after the conclusion of His Holiness’ teachings each day. On 25th December, the anniversary of the death of H.H. 6th Yongzin Ling Rinpoche, H.E. Ling Rinpoche paid respects at the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya where he enjoyed a surprise meeting with Kyabjé Lama Zopa Rinpoche.